Wednesday 17 August 2011

Cherry making a photographic record of trench 3

Once fully recorded a half section was cut across the possible entrance post hole feature.

Drawings of trench 2 by Alice & Mandy

Monday 15 August 2011

This weeks new students first assignment was to tidy up  trench 3. Little did we know that half an inch below the level at which this trench was closed and back filled some years back, post holes were lurking.

3 small post holes in trench 3

A large post hole in trench 2

Lodge Field features II

Last look at the liner feature running through Trench 1 shows that originally it was over 20cm deep and running for approximately 200m long

Possible pit in Trench 2

A feature has been showing in the south eastern corner of Trench 2 since the first week.  After cleaning back the area around it, the feature continues to stay damp when all the rest of the trench dries out.  It is probably one of the large circular features on the geophys and could be part of the enterance.

Friday 12 August 2011

Gale force winds demolished the large new Gazibo's on Wednesday morning so a new much smaller tea break tent was set up in a more sheltered location.

Pizza and baked potato with a little beer and wine around the campfire on Thursday evening.

Every aspect of the features showing in the trench are explained in great detail.

Deturfing to extend the trench.

Martin soldiers on with his camping related injury.

Karen instructing Sarah how to fill out the tedious but essential adminestrative records.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Do we have the ditch in Trench 2?

The ditch is now showing in Trench 1 and the 2008 re-opened trench.  The alignment suggests it should clip the end of Trench 2

Tazmin finds a large (18cm) iron object in Trench 2. Probably a bit of tractor, but cleaning will show better.

2008 Trench re-opened to locate ditch

Viewing a video posted on YouTube, we were able to identify the location of the 2008 trench and re-open it.  Alan is shown on the video highlighting the ditch we are searching for.

 Matt attacks the rock hard backfill.  And it needed it!

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Lodge Field features GPS survey results

As promised, I have surveyed the linear features using the GPS on my smart-phone. The GPS is said to be between 1m to 5m accuracy. The results have been overlaid on the aerial photo of Lodge Field below and show a fair representation of the layout of the linear features on the ground. The features are in fact straight, but I wanted to estimate the distance between them and see if they were parallel.

I only surveyed the features where they were clearly visible on the ground. In most cases, the features were between 10cm to 20cm deep and showing clearly in the vegetation.

The GPS results were saved as a .klm file and loaded onto Google Earth to take advantage of the measurement facility. The file has been laid onto the 2006 image which also shows evidence of ploughing as a comparison (upper left near the lodge between F1 and F2).

From East to West, the field is 194m wide. There are 9 linear features that are at least partially visible splitting the field into 10 strips. All features run on an approximate North/South bearing. Naming the features F1 to F9 with F1 being on the west of the field (left on the image) the distance between them were as follows:

F1-F2 27.4m
F2-F3 20.5m
F3-F4 19.3m
F4-F5 18.5m
F5-F6 13.8m
F6-F7 19.6m
F7-F8 19.2m
F8-F9 19.5m

I will carry out the survey again later in the week to compare the results.

Initial thoughts
On the ground, the features seem to be parallel, but the survey results show the F6,6,8 seem to be on a slightly different alignment as the field narrows. The strips are on average 19m wide, with this opening out slightly as the field widens in the west (F1,2).

Sunday 7 August 2011

Lodge Field features

There is a feature running through Trench 1 which seems to run the lenght of Lodge Feild. 

Upon further investigation, it seems there are several parallel "ditches" running 15m apart. This one is the is the clearest.

Aerial photo of Lodge Field. Click on it to enlarge. All 9 features can be seen running from left to right. Also, there seem to be features running top to bottom.  I will carry out a gps survey on Monday to investigate further.

Random Shots from Week 1

Some Finds from Week 1

Large chunk of iron 

Glass with bubbles in it




Glazed pot

Clay pipe stems

Potsherds - seem to be from the same pot - possible Civil War?

Photographing and recording.